Right about now a part of me wants to say "I'm sorry readers, I have this habit I need to fix where I start projects with gusto and then fall off the earth!" But I'm not going to write a whole entry about that -- and you'll see why by the end of the entry.
I love the Mary Kay principle of praising people to success. I'm addicted to listening to MK audio trainings and motivation, it's like having a Hollywood movie star who coaches you on how to make it in show business! However, listening to these things doesn't necessarily translate to success because it takes more than external motivation. Have you ever gone on a retreat, gotten pumped about your faith, then gone home and within a few days fizzled away from the resolutions you made? Or said to yourself "I need to get more organized/ lose weight/ be more disciplined in my prayer life" - then it doesn't seem to happen even if you sincerely want to change?
Well, as I have been learning through the book What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter, this is because most of our internal dialogues are working against us. In other words, the computer of our minds is filled with negative programming. Now, maybe we don't say "I'm a failure/I'm always late/ I'm so clumsy!", most people aren't that extreme. But we will say "I need to..." - and did you know that saying those things still programs your mind in a negative way? Your mind will finish that sentence "but I just can't seem to".
If we want to see results, it's not enough to just try to change your behavior overnight. Your behavior is shaped by your attitude, which is built upon what you believe, and what you believe is whatever is put into your brain most often. So you have to START with your internal programming - saying to yourself: "God made me good. I am a punctual person" etc.
** Side note: If you want to try this, here's the ABC's of affirmation statements:
- Positive
- Present-tense
- Worded as if whatever you want is already true
- The more specific, the better.
For example: " I am always on time - I'm so great at managing my time that I arrive wherever I need to be 10 minutes early!" **
I have been experimenting with this concept by recording my voice (which is the one that our subconscious mind recognizes best) saying things like "I love to bounce out of bed in the morning- getting up is easy for me!" and Mary Kay-isms like "I get 5 new names and numbers every day". I finished my affirmation tape today - it covers everything from my attitude and internal motivation, to successful habits and specific Mary Kay goals. It's 9 minutes long, but I didn't want to miss a thing!
And you know, I'm realizing how (as the love of my life has pointed out) truth is truth no matter where we find it. In the Christian life we hear talk about the 'tapes' that play in our head of negative, self-hating messages like "You've messed up too much deserve God's love" - how Satan inserts these suggestions into us and how much we need God's healing! I have found that to match up really well with these Self-Talk concepts I've been learning. Whether you call it 'spiritual warfare' or 'negative internal programming' (it's probably some of both!) - it's a common experience.
There are some lies I have struggled to overcome in my own walk with God - and about a year ago, I experienced God breaking those lies in a powerful way through a theophostic healing prayer session with Deacon Ralph Poyo (if you're reading this, please shoot up a prayer for Deacon Ralph's ministry - he's such an anointed man!). God moved mountains in my heart that day and broke some strongholds Satan had in my heart for sure. However, it didn't reset everything overnight.
A priest recently told me that Saint Francis de Sales once said that if sin didn't do so much damage, he would prescribe it - because it is SO good for the soul to realize how much God loves him/her and how dependent we are on Him. As I continue to grow into these big dreams God has put into my heart, I experience more and more both how loved I am AND how much I need God. Through my business, He's also teaching me that, though He could instantly fix and heal all my problems and hurts, He also wants me to change my patterns and that requires my cooperation and effort!
Parting thought: "If we will do what we can do, God will do what we cannot do." - Joyce Meyer So, I encourage you to do what YOU can do - program your brain with positive self-talk! I will do what I can do - keep working, and continuing to share through this blog!
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